8 Essential Crypto Resources That Empower and Educate Women

Including Web3, Blockchain, and Crypto education, community, and job boards

Liv Pasquarelli
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readMar 5, 2022


Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

I was recently reminded of the gender disparity of the Crypto industry once again while listening to an interview with Olayinka Odeniran, the Blockchain and Cybersecurity leader who founded the Black Women’s Blockchain Council in 2018 after attending the North American Bitcoin Conference. The conference took place in Miami with the after-party in a 20,000-square-foot strip club. Yikes.

I would like to say that the space has shifted since then, but the only shifts I’ve seen are tech bros shifting uncomfortably in their home office chairs when told they need to hire more women and BIPOC for their blockchain projects and crypto trading platforms.

Crashing the Crypto boy’s club

On that note, I decided to compile a list of resources, spaces, projects, and groups that have inspired me to keep beating this dead horse until it comes back to life. I’m a witch. I haven’t tried necromancy yet, but I won’t hesitate.

On the other side of the same coin (get it, coin?!), when mainstream women’s publications cover crypto-anything, the information is abysmal. Take, for example, the only article in Cosmopolitan’s entire online library that addresses crypto investing. In the quest to “quell your FOMO with everything you need to know,” Cosmo let women know they should “buy” crypto on Robinhood and Cashapp, and once you do, “Don’t touch those coins for at least 5 to 10 years.”

This may be good advice for blue-chip stock trading but crypto is an entirely new space. In the words of Ennis Del Mar in Brokeback Mountain, “There ain’t no reins on this one.”

Saying to not touch any single blockchain asset for 5 to 10 years could be a big mistake.

To help bridge the gap, here are some resources led by inspiring women so you can learn more and join in. Gatekeeping sucks, but if we work together, we can trample that rusty old thing from the film set of Wolf of Wall Street to the ground.


She256 offers a mentorship program that serves over 900 participants in 40+ countries…



Liv Pasquarelli
Geek Culture

I write about the intersection of culture and emerging technology... and, most successfully on Medium, personal tales of love and farts.