I Called My Boss a Sociopath and Got Fired

It was the best thing I’ve ever done

Liv Pasquarelli


Image by Michal Collection via Canva Pro

“Please come in the office, and close the door behind you.” My boss called from his door.

The other two heads of management, also middle-aged white men, were posed as henchmen on either side of my boss.

I’ve been here before.

In the two years that I’ve had this job, I’ve had multiple ‘employee reviews’ with no warning, taking place inside my boss’s office with my two direct supervisors with the door closed. The first time it happened, I was side-swiped, my jaw slowly falling to the floor as my boss berated me. Is this normal? I thought. Why weren’t my managers saying anything to defend me? They knew what I was being accused of wasn’t true.

My boss sternly presented a laundry list of why I was a horrible employee. I was late every day, I was never actually working, just pretending to work while doing other things on my computer. I didn’t do the proper research or volunteer to stay late. I made silly mistakes that cost the company money with reprints of signage and advertisements.

The reality? I was sometimes late. I didn’t stay late when I wasn’t directly instructed to do so because I was being paid to sit in the office from 9–5. It didn’t make sense to me to stay there any longer when…



Liv Pasquarelli

I write about the intersection of culture and emerging technology... and, most successfully on Medium, personal tales of love and farts.